Can We Use Expired Lipstick?

The one thing that we all girls must-have makeup product is lipstick. YES! We love to wear glossy, matte, or glittery lipsticks. Whether they are neutral or nude colors or bright as red blood, we love to have a collection of them.

But sadly, due to the pandemic over the last two years, we are wearing masks. Our lip colors collection might have gone wrong already. But does the lipstick expire? Unlike any other beauty product, lipsticks do pass!

Can we still use the expired lipsticks? Well, yes, you can use expired lipsticks, but no, wait, don’t use them on your lips, but you can repurpose them the other way. 

We will guide you on lipstick expiration and how to store them properly. Let’s start with how you can tell if the lipstick has expired or not. 

  Four Ways to Tell the Expired Lipstick

There are ways with which you can tell whether your lipstick has expired or is still good to use. Let’s find out what are they:

Check the Production Date

The lipsticks usually have a shelf life of 2 to 2.5 years. They get expired afterward. There are preservatives in the lipsticks and glosses. However, the atmosphere provided to the product or the way they have been used still caused issues before the expiration.

Moisture Beads Appear on Its Surface

We all have lipsticks that we love with our hearts and don’t want to through them away. But then we realize moisture beads on the lipstick, which is a sign that it is high time we throw it away.

Or else, there is lipstick, we think why is it sweating? But now you know if it does, then it has expired. The moisture beads appear because of the separation between the ingredients and the formula. It can be for any reason either it has not been stored properly, or its expiration date has come. 

Smell the Odor

Usually, we all love the lipstick smell. But if you have noticed the change in the aroma, then it might be a chance that it has expired. The expensive lipsticks we purchased from our savings can worsen and start to smell rotten.

Just toss away that lipstick, and that’s what you should be doing with other makeup products that have changed their odor. Expired lipstick will not only affect your outer skin but also can have worsened effects on your health if you happen to digest it. Expired lipstick can smell like nasty wax or potato starch. 

Check the Texture

The texture of the lipstick says it all. If you notice any color change or it appears to be moldy, then it is evident that you should throw away the lipstick at once. 

  • If the Color Fade

the color of the lipstick changes over time, or it becomes patchy or provides dull coverage. Hence, the chances are that your lipstick needs to be removed from your makeup bag. The wrong texture can be soggy, gritty, or clumpy. If you see any of these signs, then stop using the product.

  • If It Appears Moldy

The lipsticks, once getting bad, appear to be moldy. It is a sign of expiration. Even if you clean it nicely, using it on your skin is unsafe. Your skin might get many issues like irritation, swelling, or other skin-related infections.

  What Harm If You Use Expired Lipstick?

If you use expired lipstick, several problems are caused to your skin and body. The whole lipstick gets contaminated, so you should stop using that product. So, girls, understand that your favorite lipstick has a time, too, after which you must let it go. Otherwise, it might cause serious illness. Following are the problems that are reported majorly: 

Itching and Pain Around the Mouth Area

If you continue using expired lipstick, it can cause discomfort to your skin. It involves irritation and itching on the skin, and sometimes it can cause pain. The ingredients present in the lipstick are lanolin, wax, dye, and preservatives. Due to the lanolin’s complex composition, it can cause severe allergic reactions. 

Health Problems

It is eye-opening for many of us that lipstick can cause serious illness. Your health can be at risk if you continue to use your favorite lip color and ingest it while wearing it all day long. the health-related issues can be:

  • Renal failure
  • Anemia
  • Brain damage
  • Breast tumor
  • Abdominal pain

Consult your dermatologist if you face redness, irritation, or itchiness after using an old lipstick. Or if it gets worse like the health mentioned above issues, then consult your doctor immediately. 

   How to Store Lipstick

Ingredients in the lipsticks should stay fresh till their expiry date. This product needs proper storage, or you will lose its charm. Following are the ways how to store lipsticks:


Refrigerating lipsticks helps them to stay intact and last longer. It also prevents it from melting on hot days. After using your desired shade, don’t forget to put it back in the refrigerator. 

Store in the Shade

The lipstick melts quickly in the summer. It will lose its shape, and the ingredient may get nasty. The easiest way to store lipstick is in the makeup bag. And the makeup bag should be within your more oversized suitcase. Always keep your bag near you so it will stay in the shade, and the things in your bag will be safe to use again. 

   What Can We Do with Expired Lipstick?

You may not want to throw your lipstick away but to re-use them. But how? We have some ideas and tricks for you. Try them at home and enjoy using them again. 

Used as Crayon

Lipstick colors are so fun and unique that we can repurpose them in our drawings. Due to the wax in the lipstick, it can also be used as crayons. Try making new drawings and enjoy the bright and light colors you love. 

Used to Polish Silver

A fantastic trick we can do with expired lipsticks is to polish silver. The ingredient in the lipstick called titanium dioxide is suitable for cleaning dirt. The fat present in the lipstick polishes the silver. Apply lipstick on the silver ad wipe it away with the cotton pad. 

Used to Make Nail Polish

You can use expired lipstick to apply to the fingernails. Try this DIY and make your favorite nail color. Just coat lipstick onto the nail and then apply the top coat. And there to go to enjoy using lipstick again. 


Now you have found out all about the pros and cons of using expired lipstick, though you need to guide your friends and family too. Share this helpful information among them. But ladies, set aside all your sentiments about your lipsticks and consider the health issue expired lipstick can cause. Protect your skin from contaminated products and buy new ones over two years.

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